Tuesday 8 February 2011

Timeline of Titles

I have watched the opening of the film The Holiday (2006) and have noted down in a timeline the order of the titles. This is to help me see when titles should appear and in what order as well as when in the narrative they should appear on the screen.

0.02 – Institution presents...
0.14 – Second Institution presents...
0.34 – Director’s name
0.40 – Main actress name
0.45 – Second Main actress name
0.50 – Third actors name
1.03 – Fourth actors name
1.24 – Film Title
1.43 – Other actors name
1.50 – Second other actors name
1.56 – Third actors name
1.59 – Casting directors names
2.15 – Music editor
2.20 – Costume Designer
2.45 – Editor
2.49 – Production Designer
2.54 – Photography Director
3.04 – Executive Producer
3.10 – Producers Names.
Our brief states that we are to create the opening two minutes of a film however in this film the titles go on for around three minutes as there are rather a lot of titles and so I have therefore done the same thing for another opening that is closer to our brief. I have looked at the opening sequence of 50 First Dates (2004) which is very different to the first opening as the titles are complete after only 47 seconds but the order is very similar to that of the first opening: Institution Logo's first, followed by production companies and then the film titleand the actors names after that.

0.02 – Institution Logo
0.25 – Institution presents...
0.30 – Production Company
0.35 – Production Company
0.41 – Production Company
0.47 – Film Title

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