Friday 25 February 2011

Storyboard and Script Diary

11/2/2011 - 18/2/2011

We have now been spending a number of lessons working on the storyboard and the script for our film opening in our group and are thinking more about specific details like the setting, mise-en-scene and the scripting. During these processes, our group has been working really well together and we have each been putting in our own ideas and discussed what we each imagine our film opening to be like. We have been looking into other films of our genre and comparing the narrative to our own narrative as well as thinking about the characters and what type of actors we would like to cast. We are all equally enthusiastic and inputting our ideas regularly to make sure that every person is happy when each new process is completed.
Below is the link to our group blog where you can view the storyboard work and script we have been working on:

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