Monday, 25 April 2011

Evaluation Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?
Originally, we planned on certifying our film as a 15 aiming it a British women who have an interest in socialising and relationships. Now that we have finished creating our film, we have decided that it is more of a 12a as there are no rude suggestions of any sort but the character does swear in the opening. When considering our whole film idea, it would be more appropriate to give the film the certificate of a 15. This is because we planned for it to be similar to films like Sex and the City (2008) which is classified as a 15 and so are films like Bridget Jones (2001).
We decided when we were discussing our audience profile; we thought that our film was likely to appeal to demographic groups C1 through to E. This includes people like office workers, skilled workers, students and pensioners and we decided that it would appeal to mainly females. In our research and planning we had decided that we aimed to apply the Uses and Gratifications theory (McQuail 1987) and wanted to use realistic settings and characters so that the audience can relate to them.  We also planned on applying the Hypodermic Needle theory to create a film that would be ‘easy viewing’ for our audience as they are likely to be a ‘passive audience’ and our film reflects that as we feed to basic information to the audience in an obvious way so that not too much processing is needed.
We had discussed that our typical audience member will be interested in fashion and relationships as well as things like cooking and keeping fit. We discussed in our planning that they are likely to shop in fashionable stores but not top end designers because of the demographic groups we are aiming at and their favourite TV shows are likely to address similar issues as our film like Sex and the City, or Hollyoaks. They are likely to have an interest in socialising and friendships and will have experiences of the stresses of work and love; however some of these issues are not to be addressed until later in the film when considering it as a whole.
We showed a screening of our film to our target audience and have received their feedback on what they thought of the film and if it would be something that they would go to see at the cinema.

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