Saturday, 26 February 2011

Comparing our Film Idea to Other Films

Now that we have the ideas for our film as a whole, I am able to look at existing films of our chosen genre to compare the narratives and plot-lines to that of our own film. This is to help me ensure that our idea conforms to the generic conventions of other romantic-comedies. I have looked at comparing specific details of the whole plot idea with that of other films in this genre including the characters, storyline and general details.

Characters and Storyline

The Break Up (2006)
Our film has one main character with two other important characters alongside. The main character is a glamorous young woman who is very fashionable and professional who is in a relationship with a man who is somewhat opposite to her: very spontaneous and laid back. This type of relationship in other romantic-comedy films is a little uncommon however films such as ‘The Break Up’ (2006) use this idea of a couple who don’t entirely match. Our storyline also plans to have a break up between our main character (Penelope Fox) and her boyfriend which is common among romantic-comedies as one of the main events in the films. Films like ‘The Devil Wears Prada’ (2006) and ‘Valentine’s Day’ (2010) both also express this ‘break-up/make-up’ storyline.

The Devil Wears Prada (2006)

Valentines Day (2010)
We decided to have our main protagonist as a female character who is very likeable and relatable and this is very common in rom-com’s as we see the female usually battling some personal issues surrounding work and love. Films that include this sort of character are ‘Bridget Jones’ Diary’ (2001) and ‘Maid in Manhattan’ (2002).

Bridget Jones
Marisa Ventura

With regards to setting, most romantic comedies have a busy, city setting with glamorous offices and jobs and we plan to use this same sort of setting. Our main character is a journalist, much like the character of Carrie Bradshaw in ‘Sex and the City’ as well as Rebecca Bloomwood in ‘Confessions of a Shopaholic’ (2009) who both write for magazines and books. These characters are also similar to our character of Penelope Fox in that they are extremely fashionable and likeable but do also find themselves in sticky situations easily which is common among characters in films of this particular genre.

Carrie Bradshaw - Sex and the City
Writer and Publushed Author

Rebecca Bloomwood - Confessions of a Shopaholic (2009)

Our storyline presents the main character Penelope Fox to have the ‘perfect life’ however this soon changes and she starts to fall from happiness as aspects of her life fall apart. It is common in the storylines of romantic-comedies for the main character to experience some sort of downfall before problems are overcome and perfection, as it were, is restored – most likely in a new way. The films ‘Bridget Jones’ Diary’ (2001), ‘Confessions of a Shopaholic’ (2009) and ‘The Devil Wears Prada’ (2006) all depict this idea of perfection being destroyed and restored in both love and work. One of the most common aspects of a romantic-comedy is that the ending will be happy and the girl will ‘get the man’ and have turned over a new leaf or this will be at least hinted at the end of the film. We also plan to conform to this and will definitely have a positive ending to the film.

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