Monday 25 April 2011

Diary of Editing


- final cut express
- found it hard, changed to imovie
- put all shots in order
- fiddled with timings


- looked for music
- played with timings


- added some of the titles
- struggled with main title
- worked with louise on voiceover
- had difficulties - decided to do it in sections - had to adapt script - didnt quite complete the voiceovers


- we completed the voiceover with Louise

Initial Rough Cut

- worked on timings and titles
- added the soundtrack


- We re-ordered some of our titles to the correct order to make the film more realistic
- We edited the length of the shot with the photograph in to make it shorter


- Edited the size of the titles, made them larger and easier to see
- Had a final check over timings and sound

Second Rough Cut


- Made the film title stand out more, changed the words 'Lessons in Love' to a typewriter font and had the letters checkered in however this was extremely time consuming as the letters had to be changed individually and ended up taking a lot longer than we had hoped.
- Added in our institutional logos and adapted the timings according to the opening logos.

Final Cut

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