Thursday 24 March 2011

Creating our Shot-List and Film Schedule

We have been working as a group on our shot list to organise how we were going to organise our time when it comes to filming. As we were only working in one location to film our opening (all in an office), we decided to organise our shots by camera angle to save as much time as possible. We all agreed that this would be the best way to organise our time when filming to be most effective. We also put together a film schedule to make sure that we knew where we were going to be at what time and what props and costumers would be needed. This schedule also included the actors and camera equipment that would be needed on the day. I found this very helpful as I was then fully aware of when we would be filming what and in what order we would be working and I felt fully prepared to film and that I knew exactly what I would be doing and would be able to work most efficiently.

To view our shot list please visit our group blog:
Initial Shot-list
Final Shot-list

To view our Film schedule please visit our group blog:

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